Conveyor Dust Suppression System For The Steel Industry

Dust Suppression Solutions for a Better Environment

Integrated steel plants are large complex operations, with lots of raw material movements into and around the site.

Invariably sites are committed to operating at the highest environmental standards, but the nature of the operations and the amount of dust generating activities on site can be challenging.

Coal, coke, Iron Ore, Lump, Fines, Pellets, Limestone, Sinter, Slag

Raw materials arrive by rail, road or ship.  Materials are unloaded and transferred to a conveying system, which transport the material through to stackers and stockpiles.  Materials are then reclaimed, transported again through a conveying system for the next stage of processing.  Sinter Plants prepare the raw materials, which are then transported again, stored and screened prior to use.

Best-Chem have experience in tackling dust emissions throughout the raw material handling process.


Our innovative solutions and full service offering provide our clients with a comprehensive dust suppression solution, that aids compliance and improves relations with local stakeholders.

Our systems are robust, effective and, when combined with a comprehensive service and maintenance package, are available to meet the production demands of the plant.


Foam Dust Suppression Systems

Water / Chemical Spray Systems 

High Pressure Misting Systems 

Road / Stockpile Sprinkler Systems

Manufacture and Supply of Dust Suppressants

Foaming Dust Suppressants



Stockpile Sealants  IBCs

Bulk Deliveries

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