Nuisance fugitive dust in generated by a number activities including - Blasting, Hauling, Crushing and Screening, Stockpiling and loading for dispatch.
With the exception of dust from blasting Best-Chem has successfully developed designed and installed a variety highly effective dust control systems.
We start the process with an in-depth survey of the entire site which results in a detailed proposal. Such a proposal typically will:
Identify the dust issues
Recommend the most effective solutions
Specify the equipment
Offer a trial
Set out an installation timetable
Set out the site services to be provided by the client
We have successfully worked with a variety of minerals and ores, with plants ranging from those processing 250,000 tons per annum to in excess of 40m tonnes per annum and all sizes in between.
We have designed and installed equipment in both above- and below ground operations.
Undergound Mining
Dust Control is particularly critical during underground operations. Left unchecked fugitive dust emissions create a hazardous working environment and left unchecked, the accumulation over time will lead to operational difficulties and further dust issues.
Our low-moisture Dust Suppression Technologies, are able to treat the material at source and ensure it remains treated, throughout its journey through the conveying system and eventually above ground.
Our systems are straightforward to install with minimal downtime.
In our experience, we have been approached by clients using plain water suppression systems, who are either not achieving adequate results or they are using copious amounts of water.
In other cases, mines are built with comprehensive dust extraction systems. Dust extraction / collection systems typically collect the dust and then deposit it back on the belt. This approach requires collectors to be installed at every transfer point, resulting in high capital costs. Moving the dust from one transfer point to the next is moving the problem and as dust content rises, the collectors can struggle to adequately cope.
Our approach is therefore to treat the fines, to prevent them from becoming airborne, and thus ensuring they are transported to the surface with the mineral.
Improved dust control
Reduced water consumption
Safer working environment
No loss of value product
Reduced cleaning
Reduced breakdowns
Reduced downtime
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